

There are a number of venues for making a complaint. 取决于投诉的性质, 不同的实体将有适当的管辖权来解决或调查您的问题. 请仔细阅读以下章节,以确保您向适当的地方报告您的担忧并采取行动:

在基层一级以非正式方式解决问题和关切的努力更有可能导致及时的解决.  正因为如此, 强烈鼓励学生通过与教师面对面的会议来开始他们对非正式解决方案的追求, 主管, or other person in the area where the concern has arisen.  在线 新博网址是多少目录 lists contact information for all NCF faculty and staff.

Students are also encouraged to contact the Ombudsperson ((电子邮件保护))寻求非正式的协助, 公正的, and non-adversarial alternatives for the resolution of conflict.  的监察员, 以独立原则为指导, 中立, 保密, 和随意性, 指导学生选择合适的大学资源,并促进讨论,以确定解决问题的最佳选择.

如果学生认为公开的政策或程序被违反或不公平地应用-或者如果非正式手段不能解决学生对决定的不满, 政策, or circumstance — a student may file a formal written student complaint.


新博网页保留了所有提交的书面学生投诉的记录,以确保他们及时得到解决, 公平, 和一贯的态度.  新博网页努力在30天内回复所有学生的书面投诉,并在90天内解决投诉.

In the event the student feels the complaint was not managed properly by the institution, the student may submit his or her complaint to the following 状态 contact:

Florida Board of Governors State University System





Title IX is a Federal civil rights law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. 这项法律保护人们在接受联邦财政援助的教育项目或活动中免受性别歧视.

View Title IX page for information and reporting resources.


Any person may report allegations of suspected improper activities. Knowledge or suspicion of improper activities may originate from academic personnel, staff or administrators carrying out their assigned duties, 内部或外部审计师, 执法, 监管机构, 和客户, 病人, 供应商, 学生或其他第三方.

正常情况下, 学院新员工或其他人员对涉嫌不当行为的指控应向报告员工的直接主管或部门内其他适当的管理人员或主管报告. 然而, when there is a potential conflict of interest or for other reasons, allegations of suspected improper activities may also be reported anonymously.

Download and complete a complaint form here.

Note: If you are having trouble typing in the form, make sure that the form has been actually downloaded and not in ‘view’ mode.

IRB关心的是安全性, rights and welfare of all individuals participating in research projects at NCF. 不遵守道德标准, 联邦法规, 其他法律, or institutional policies must be reported to the IRB. 点击这里了解更多.


A student may file a complaint externally with the College’s accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges; instructions are provided on this 网页.

州外远程教育学生, 谁已经完成了内部机构申诉流程和适用的州申诉流程, may appeal non-instructional complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council by emailing (电子邮件保护).

For additional information on the complaint process, please visit FL-SARA投诉流程.

佛罗里达州立大学理事会和州立大学系统内的监察长和合规主任办公室接受并审议有关浪费的投诉, 理事会和佛罗里达州立大学系统内的欺诈或财务管理不善.


在很多情况下, given the 状态 of Florida higher education governance structure, jurisdiction to investigate the complaint will reside with the 状态 university/college. 在这种情况下, the complaint will be referred to the university/college for review and processing as appropriate.


Please click here and follow instructions for submitting a complaint to the OIGC.

如果你认为有违反《新博网页》(第112章第三部分)的行为, 佛罗里达法律), this is a matter over which the Commission on Ethics has responsibility.

道德委员会是国家官员和雇员行为标准的守护者,是第8(f)条规定的独立委员会。, Article II of the Constitution of the State of Florida. 道德操守委员会的职责是接受和调查任何涉嫌违反本部分规定的道德操守的宣誓投诉,以及任何其他违反公众信任的行为,包括调查与投诉有关的所有事实和当事人.

The Commission on Ethics can be contacted at:

Address: 佛罗里达州道德委员会, 塔拉哈西, FL 32317-5709


网站: www.道德.状态.fl.us

佛罗里达州立法机构设立了佛罗里达州人际关系委员会,以调查和解决就业领域的歧视投诉, 住房, public accommodations and 告密者的行为 retaliation. 可透过以下方式与人权事务专员联络:

Address: 佛罗里达人际关系委员会, 2009年阿巴拉契公园大道, 100套房, 塔拉哈西, FL 32301


网站: http://fchr.状态.fl.us


The program operates a “Get Lean Hotline” to respond to comments about waste, 欺诈, and abuse within 状态 government and to accept suggestions on how the 状态 can save money. 热线是一个24小时匿名网站和电话系统,让你有机会让政府对你更负责.



你也是政府雇员吗, 前政府雇员, 状态 agency contract employee or applicant for 状态 employment? 如果是, 您可能有资格获得举报人保护,包括根据《新博网页》对您的姓名和身份保密.

For more information about the provisions of the 告密者的行为, please view the:

In order to request whistle–blower protection, you should report your information to New College directly. Please follow this link to complete the Complaint Form.

Download and complete a complaint form here.


美国的使命.S. 教育部, 民权办公室(Office for Civil Rights,简称OCR)将通过大力执行禁止基于种族歧视的五项联邦民权,确保平等接受教育的机会, color, 国家的起源, 性, 在接受教育部联邦财政援助的项目或活动中的残疾和年龄.

In order for OCR to have jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint, the complaint must allege a violation of one or more of the laws OCR enforces. OCR must also determine whether the complaint is filed on time.

A complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days of the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by OCR for good cause shown under certain circumstances.


Complainants wishing to file a complaint may do so by:

邮寄或传真: 投诉人可邮寄或传真信件,或使用可向公署执法办公室索取的歧视投诉表格.

电子邮件: Complainants may file a complaint using the following e–mail address: (电子邮件保护).

在线: 投诉人可使用OCR的电子投诉表格(网址如下)向OCR提出投诉: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/complaintintro.html.

地址:U.S. 教育部, Office for Civil Rights, 400 Maryland Ave. SW华盛顿特区.C. 20202-1100



电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

网络: http://www.ed.gov/ ocr

美国的使命.S. 教育部, 监察长办公室 is to promote the efficiency, 有效性, 通过进行独立和客观的审计,确保司法部项目和业务的完整性, 调查, 检查和其他活动.

任何知道欺诈的人, 浪费或滥用教育部资金应联系监察长热线作出保密报告. Complaints or concerns received through the Hotline may be referred for OIG investigation, 审计, 检查或其他审查.

You may contact the USDOE 监察长热线 by:

  • Calling the OIG Hotline’s toll free number 1-800-MIS-USED. Hotline Operators take calls during the hours of Monday and Wednesday 9-11 a.m.美国东部时间; Tuesday and Thursday, 1-3 p.m.美国东部时间.
  • Downloading a hardcopy of the Hotline Complaint Form, and completing, mailing or faxing to:



地址:U.S. 教育部, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.华盛顿特区.C. 20202-1500


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